These are taken in part from #8553.
-Added: The function "Schur-product" was added for the Tensor-class,
-allowing the entrywise multiplication of tensor objects of general rank
+New: The function schur_product was added for the Tensor class,
+allowing the entrywise multiplication of tensor objects of general rank.
(Roland Richter, 2019/06/10)
-Improved: Add assignment operator for two Points with different underlying
-scalar types.
+Improved: Add assignment operator for two Point objects with different
+underlying scalar types.
(Daniel Garcia-Sanchez, 2019/07/23)
-Improved: The function make_periodicity_constraints() can now be
+Improved: DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints() can now be
used with std::complex<double> numbers.
(Daniel Garcia-Sanchez, 2019/08/02)
-Improved: Unified in-line journal citations in steps 1,6, and 18; Bibtex style
-formattting in a central bibliography.
+Improved: Unified in-line journal citations in steps 1, 6, and 18; Bibtex
+style formatting in a central bibliography.
(Adam Lee, 2019/08/06)
-New: Added frobenius_norm method to BlockMatrixBase.
+New: Added BlockMatrixBase::frobenius_norm().
(Jonathan Robey, 2019/08/06)
-Improved: CellDataStorage::get_data(cell) now checks whether we are retriving
+Improved: CellDataStorage::get_data() now checks whether we are retrieving
using a data type that matches the type we used to initialize the cell data.
(Reza Rastak, 2019/08/06)
-New: Added MutableBind class and mutable_bind() method.
+New: Added Utilities::MutableBind class and Utilities::mutable_bind() method.
(Luca Heltai, Matthias Maier, 2019/08/08)
-Debug: Fixed two functions in GridTools::Cache class (in source/grid/, namely get_used_vertices_rtree() and get_cell_bounding_boxes_rtree where the update flag were not cleared. Fixed that by adding a line to both functions at the end of if loop checking the flag.
+Fixed: Fixed two functions in GridTools::Cache class, namely
+GridTools::Cache::get_used_vertices_rtree() and
+GridTools::Cache::get_cell_bounding_boxes_rtree() where the update flags were
+not cleared. Fixed that by adding a line to both functions at the end of the if
+clause checking the flag.
(Manu Jayadharan, 2019/08/08)
-Added: Add a possible extension in Step-2 Tutorial.
+New: Add a possible extension to step-2.
(Wenjuan Zhang, 2019/08/08)
-Improved: ContinuousQuadratureDataTransfer allows the number of data values
-per quadrature points vary across the mesh. It also allows a cell to not
-have any associated quadrature data during refinement.
+Improved: parallel::distributed::ContinuousQuadratureDataTransfer allows the
+number of data values per quadrature points vary across the mesh. It also allows
+a cell to not have any associated quadrature data during refinement.
(Reza Rastak, Marc Fehling, Peter Munch 2019/08/09)
-New: Add an iterator over all faces of a cell(accessor).
+New: Add CellAccessor::face_iterators(), which returns an iterator range over
+the faces of a cell.
(Peter Munch, Wolfgang Bangerth, Daniel Arndt, 2019/08/14)