* This function uses DSATUR (Degree SATURation) to color the elements of
- * a set. DSATUR works as follows: -# Arrange the vertices by decreasing
- * order of degrees. -# Color a vertex of maximal degree with color 1. -#
- * Choose a vertex with a maximal saturation degree. If there is equality,
- * choose any vertex of maximal degree in the uncolored subgraph. -# Color
- * the chosen vertex with the least possible (lowest numbered) color. -#
- * If all the vertices are colored, stop. Otherwise, return to 3.
+ * a set. DSATUR works as follows:
+ * -# Arrange the vertices by decreasing order of degrees.
+ * -# Color a vertex of maximal degree with color 1.
+ * -# Choose a vertex with a maximal saturation degree. If there is
+ * equality, choose any vertex of maximal degree in the uncolored
+ * subgraph.
+ * -# Color the chosen vertex with the least possible (lowest numbered)
+ * color.
+ * -# If all the vertices are colored, stop. Otherwise, return to 3.
* @param[in] partition The set of iterators that should be colored.
* @param[in] get_conflict_indices A user defined function object