* The use ThetaTimestepping is more complicated than for instance Newton,
* since the inner operators will usually need to access the TimeStepData.
* Thus, we have a circular dependency of information, and we include the
- * following example for its use. It can be found in
- * <tt>examples/doxygen/theta_timestepping.cc</tt>
- *
- * @dontinclude theta_timestepping.cc
+ * following example for its use.
* First, we define the two operators used by ThetaTimestepping and call
* them <code>Implicit</code> and <code>Explicit</code>. They both share the
* use a SmartPointer here, since the TimestepData will be destroyed before
* the operator.
- * @skip class Explicit
- * @until End of declarations
+ * @code
+ * class Explicit : public OperatorBase
+ * {
+ * public:
+ * Explicit(const FullMatrix<double> &matrix);
+ * void operator()(AnyData &out, const AnyData &in);
+ *
+ * private:
+ * SmartPointer<const FullMatrix<double>, Explicit> matrix;
+ * FullMatrix<double> m;
+ * };
+ *
+ * class Implicit : public OperatorBase
+ * {
+ * public:
+ * Implicit(const FullMatrix<double> &matrix);
+ * void operator()(AnyData &out, const AnyData &in);
+ *
+ * private:
+ * SmartPointer<const FullMatrix<double>, Implicit> matrix;
+ * FullMatrix<double> m;
+ * };
+ * @endcode
* These operators will be implemented after the main program. But let us
* look first at how they get used. First, let us define a matrix to be used
* for our system and also an OutputOperator in order to write the data of
* each timestep to a file.
- * @skipline main
- * @until out.initialize
+ * @code
+ * int main()
+ * {
+ * FullMatrix<double> matrix(2);
+ * matrix(0, 0) = 0.;
+ * matrix(1, 1) = 0.;
+ * matrix(0, 1) = 3.14;
+ * matrix(1, 0) = -3.14;
+ *
+ * OutputOperator<Vector<double>> out;
+ * out.initialize_stream(std::cout);
+ * @endcode
* Now we create objects for the implicit and explicit parts of the steps as
* well as the ThetaTimestepping itself. We initialize the timestepping with
* the output operator in order to be able to see the output in every step.
- * @until set_output
+ * @code
+ * Explicit op_explicit(matrix);
+ * Implicit op_implicit(matrix);
+ * ThetaTimestepping<Vector<double>> solver(op_explicit, op_implicit);
+ * solver.set_output(out);
+ * @endcode
* The next step is providing the vectors to be used. <tt>value</tt> is
* filled with the initial value and is also the vector where the solution
* Since our problem has no additional parameters, the input AnyData object
* remains empty.
- * @until add
+ * @code
+ * Vector<double> value(2);
+ * value(0) = 1.;
+ * AnyData indata;
+ * AnyData outdata;
+ * outdata.add(&value, "value");
+ * @endcode
* Finally, we are ready to tell the solver, that we are starting at the
* initial timestep and run it.
- * @until }
+ * @code
+ * solver.notify(Events::initial);
+ * solver(outdata, indata);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
* Besides the main function, we need to define the members functions
* of the implicit and explicit operators.
* First the constructor, which simply copies the system matrix into the
* member pointer for later use.
- * @skip Explicit::
- * @until }
+ * @code
+ * Explicit::Explicit(const FullMatrix<double> &M)
+ * : matrix(&M)
+ * {
+ * m.reinit(M.m(), M.n());
+ * }
+ * @endcode
* Now we need to study the application of the implicit and explicit
* operator. We assume that the pointer <code>matrix</code> points to the
* off the notifications, we clear them, such that the matrix is only
* generated when necessary.
- * @skipline void
- * @until clear
+ * @code
+ * void Explicit::operator()(AnyData &out, const AnyData &in)
+ * {
+ * const double timestep = *in.read_ptr<double>("Timestep");
+ * if (this->notifications.test(Events::initial) ||
+ * this->notifications.test(Events::new_timestep_size))
+ * {
+ * m.equ(-timestep, *matrix);
+ * for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m.m(); ++i)
+ * m(i, i) += 1.;
+ * }
+ * this->notifications.clear();
+ * @endcode
* Now we multiply the input vector with the new matrix and store on output.
- * @until }
+ * @code
+ * m.vmult(*out.entry<Vector<double> *>(0),
+ * *in.read_ptr<Vector<double>>("Previous iterate"));
+ * }
+ * @endcode
* The code for the implicit operator is almost the same, except
* that we change the sign in front of the timestep and use the inverse of
* the matrix.
- * @until vmult
- * @until }
+ * @code
+ * Implicit::Implicit(const FullMatrix<double> &M)
+ * : matrix(&M)
+ * {
+ * m.reinit(M.m(), M.n());
+ * }
+ *
+ * void Implicit::operator()(AnyData &out, const AnyData &in)
+ * {
+ * const double timestep = *in.read_ptr<double>("Timestep");
+ * if (this->notifications.test(Events::initial) ||
+ * this->notifications.test(Events::new_timestep_size))
+ * {
+ * m.equ(timestep, *matrix);
+ * for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m.m(); ++i)
+ * m(i, i) += 1.;
+ * m.gauss_jordan();
+ * }
+ * this->notifications.clear();
+ * m.vmult(*out.entry<Vector<double> *>(0),
+ * *in.read_ptr<Vector<double>>("Previous time"));
+ * }
+ * @endcode
* @author Guido Kanschat
* @date 2010
* the use of block indices causes some additional complications, we give a
* short example.
- * @dontinclude block_dynamic_sparsity_pattern.cc
- *
* After the DoFHandler <tt>dof</tt> and the AffineConstraints
* <tt>constraints</tt> have been set up with a system element, we must count
* the degrees of freedom in each matrix block:
- * @skipline dofs_per_block
- * @until count
+ * @code
+ * const std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_per_block =
+ * DoFTools::count_dofs_per_fe_block(dof);
+ * @endcode
* Now, we are ready to set up the BlockDynamicSparsityPattern.
- * @until collect
+ * @code
+ * BlockDynamicSparsityPattern dsp(fe.n_blocks(), fe.n_blocks());
+ * for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fe.n_blocks(); ++i)
+ * for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fe.n_blocks(); ++j)
+ * dsp.block(i, j).reinit(dofs_per_block[i], dofs_per_block[j]);
+ * dsp.collect_sizes();
+ * @endcode
* It is filled as if it were a normal pattern
- * @until condense
+ * @code
+ * DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof, dsp);
+ * constraints.condense(dsp);
+ * @endcode
* In the end, it is copied to a normal BlockSparsityPattern for later use.
- * @until copy
+ * @code
+ * BlockSparsityPattern sparsity;
+ * sparsity.copy_from(dsp);
+ * @endcode
* @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 2000, 2001, Guido Kanschat, 2006, 2007