reinit(const BlockSparsityPatternType &block_sparsity_pattern);
+ /**
+ * This function initializes the Trilinos matrix using the deal.II sparse
+ * matrix and the entries stored therein. It uses a threshold to copy only
+ * elements whose modulus is larger than the threshold (so zeros in the
+ * deal.II matrix can be filtered away).
+ */
+ void
+ reinit(
+ const std::vector<IndexSet> & parallel_partitioning,
+ const ::dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<double> &dealii_block_sparse_matrix,
+ const MPI_Comm & communicator = MPI_COMM_WORLD,
+ const double drop_tolerance = 1e-13);
* This function initializes the Trilinos matrix using the deal.II sparse
* matrix and the entries stored therein. It uses a threshold to copy only
+ void
+ BlockSparseMatrix::reinit(
+ const std::vector<IndexSet> & parallel_partitioning,
+ const ::dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<double> &dealii_block_sparse_matrix,
+ const MPI_Comm & communicator,
+ const double drop_tolerance)
+ {
+ const size_type n_block_rows = parallel_partitioning.size();
+ Assert(n_block_rows == dealii_block_sparse_matrix.n_block_rows(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(n_block_rows,
+ dealii_block_sparse_matrix.n_block_rows()));
+ Assert(n_block_rows == dealii_block_sparse_matrix.n_block_cols(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(n_block_rows,
+ dealii_block_sparse_matrix.n_block_cols()));
+ // Call the other basic reinit function ...
+ reinit(n_block_rows, n_block_rows);
+ // ... and then assign the correct
+ // data to the blocks.
+ for (size_type r = 0; r < this->n_block_rows(); ++r)
+ for (size_type c = 0; c < this->n_block_cols(); ++c)
+ {
+ this->sub_objects[r][c]->reinit(parallel_partitioning[r],
+ parallel_partitioning[c],
+ dealii_block_sparse_matrix.block(r,
+ c),
+ communicator,
+ drop_tolerance);
+ }
+ collect_sizes();
+ }
const ::dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<double> &dealii_block_sparse_matrix,