From: Wolfgang Bangerth
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 23:56:36 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Make GridTools, VectorTools, MGTools namespaces, rather than a class with all static...
X-Git-Tag: v8.0.0~3458
Make GridTools, VectorTools, MGTools namespaces, rather than a class with all static member functions. Now only MatrixTools remains.
git-svn-id: 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d
diff --git a/deal.II/doc/news/changes.h b/deal.II/doc/news/changes.h
index a5248326e6..19a097f0f9 100644
--- a/deal.II/doc/news/changes.h
+++ b/deal.II/doc/news/changes.h
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ inconvenience this causes.
+- Changed: GridTools, DoFTools, MGTools and VectorTools are now namespaces. They have long
+been classes that had only public, static member functions, making
+the end result semantically exactly equivalent to a namespace, which is
+also how it was used. This is now also reflected in the actual code.
+(Wolfgang Bangerth, 2011/04/27, 2011/09/14)
- Changed: The PETScWrapper::VectorBase and PETScWrapper::MatrixBase
classes tried to keep track of
whether the last operation done on a vector was to add to an element or to
@@ -508,13 +515,6 @@ TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::exists(). This is now fixed.
(Habib Talavatifard, Wolfgang Bangerth 2011/05/09, 2011/05/27)
- - Changed: DoFTools is now a namespace. It has long been a class that
-had only public, static member functions, making the end result semantically
-exactly equivalent to a namespace, which is also how it was used. This is
-now also reflected in the actual code.
-(Wolfgang Bangerth, 2011/04/27)
- New: The version of DoFTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern that takes
the coupling masks is now also available for hp::DoFHandler objects.
diff --git a/deal.II/include/deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h b/deal.II/include/deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h
index 917736ad39..f17b2c0f3f 100644
--- a/deal.II/include/deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h
+++ b/deal.II/include/deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h
@@ -37,1082 +37,1051 @@ class SparsityPattern;
- * This class is a collection of algorithms working on triangulations,
+ * This namespace is a collection of algorithms working on triangulations,
* such as shifting or rotating triangulations, but also finding a
* cell that contains a given point. See the descriptions of the
* individual functions for more information.
* @ingroup grid
-class GridTools
+namespace GridTools
- public:
- /**
- * Return the diameter of a
- * triangulation. The diameter is
- * computed using only the
- * vertices, i.e. if the diameter
- * should be larger than the
- * maximal distance between
- * boundary vertices due to a
- * higher order mapping, then
- * this function will not catch
- * this.
- */
- template
- static
- double diameter (const Triangulation &tria);
- /**
- * Compute the volume (i.e. the dim-dimensional measure) of the
- * triangulation. We compute the measure using the integral
- * $\int 1 \; dx$. The integral approximated is approximated
- * via quadrature for which we need the mapping argument.
- *
- * This function also works for objects of type
- * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, in which case the
- * function is a collective operation.
- */
- template
- static
- double volume (const Triangulation &tria,
- const Mapping &mapping = (StaticMappingQ1::mapping));
- /**
- * Given a list of vertices (typically
- * obtained using
- * Triangulation::get_vertices) as the
- * first, and a list of vertex indices
- * that characterize a single cell as the
- * second argument, return the measure
- * (area, volume) of this cell. If this
- * is a real cell, then you can get the
- * same result using
- * cell-@>measure()
, but
- * this function also works for cells
- * that do not exist except that you make
- * it up by naming its vertices from the
- * list.
- */
- template
- static
- double cell_measure (const std::vector > &all_vertices,
- const unsigned int (&vertex_indices)[GeometryInfo::vertices_per_cell]);
- /**
- * Remove vertices that are not
- * referenced by any of the
- * cells. This function is called
- * by all GridIn::read_*
- * functions to eliminate
- * vertices that are listed in
- * the input files but are not
- * used by the cells in the input
- * file. While these vertices
- * should not be in the input
- * from the beginning, they
- * sometimes are, most often when
- * some cells have been removed
- * by hand without wanting to
- * update the vertex lists, as
- * they might be lengthy.
- *
- * This function is called by all
- * GridIn::read_*
- * functions as the triangulation
- * class requires them to be
- * called with used vertices
- * only. This is so, since the
- * vertices are copied verbatim
- * by that class, so we have to
- * eliminate unused vertices
- * beforehand.
- *
- * Not implemented for the
- * codimension one case.
- */
- template
- static
- void delete_unused_vertices (std::vector > &vertices,
- std::vector > &cells,
- SubCellData &subcelldata);
- /**
- * Remove vertices that are duplicated,
- * due to the input of a structured grid,
- * for example. If these vertices are not
- * removed, the faces bounded by these
- * vertices become part of the boundary,
- * even if they are in the interior of
- * the mesh.
- *
- * This function is called by some
- * GridIn::read_* functions. Only
- * the vertices with indices in @p
- * considered_vertices are tested for
- * equality. This speeds up the algorithm,
- * which is quadratic and thus quite slow
- * to begin with. However, if you wish to
- * consider all vertices, simply pass an
- * empty vector.
- *
- * Two vertices are considered equal if
- * their difference in each coordinate
- * direction is less than @p tol.
- */
- template
- static
- void delete_duplicated_vertices (std::vector > &all_vertices,
- std::vector > &cells,
- SubCellData &subcelldata,
- std::vector &considered_vertices,
- const double tol=1e-12);
- /**
- * Transform the vertices of the given
- * triangulation by applying the
- * predicate to all its vertices. Since
- * the internal consistency of a
- * triangulation can only be guaranteed
- * if the transformation is applied to
- * the vertices of only one level of a
- * hierarchically refined cells, this
- * function may only be used if all cells
- * of the triangulation are on the same
- * refinement level.
- *
- * The predicate given as
- * argument is used to transform
- * each vertex. Its respective
- * type has to offer a
- * function-like syntax, i.e. the
- * predicate is either an object
- * of a type that has an
- * operator(), or it is a
- * pointer to the function. In
- * either case, argument and
- * return value have to be of
- * type Point.
- *
- * This function is used in the
- * "Possibilities for extensions" section
- * of step-38.
- */
- template
- static
- void transform (const Predicate &predicate,
- Triangulation &triangulation);
- /**
- * Shift each vertex of the
- * triangulation by the given
- * shift vector. This function
- * uses the transform()
- * function above, so the
- * requirements on the
- * triangulation stated there
- * hold for this function as
- * well.
- */
- template
- static
- void shift (const Point &shift_vector,
- Triangulation &triangulation);
- /**
- * Rotate all vertices of the
- * given two-dimensional
- * triangulation in
- * counter-clockwise sense around
- * the origin of the coordinate
- * system by the given angle
- * (given in radians, rather than
- * degrees). This function uses
- * the transform() function
- * above, so the requirements on
- * the triangulation stated there
- * hold for this function as
- * well.
- */
- static
- void rotate (const double angle,
- Triangulation<2> &triangulation);
- /**
- * Scale the entire triangulation
- * by the given factor. To
- * preserve the orientation of
- * the triangulation, the factor
- * must be positive.
- *
- * This function uses the
- * transform() function
- * above, so the requirements on
- * the triangulation stated there
- * hold for this function as
- * well.
- */
- template
- static
- void scale (const double scaling_factor,
- Triangulation &triangulation);
- /**
- * Find and return the number of
- * the used vertex in a given
- * Container that is located closest
- * to a given point @p p. The
- * type of the first parameter
- * may be either Triangulation,
- * DoFHandler, hp::DoFHandler, or
- * MGDoFHandler.
- *
- * @author Ralf B. Schulz, 2006
- */
- template class Container, int spacedim>
- static
- unsigned int
- find_closest_vertex (const Container &container,
- const Point &p);
- /**
- * Find and return a vector of
- * iterators to active cells that
- * surround a given vertex @p vertex.
- * The type of the first parameter
- * may be either Triangulation,
- * DoFHandler, hp::DoFHandler, or
- * MGDoFHandler.
- *
- * For locally refined grids, the
- * vertex itself might not be a vertex
- * of all adjacent cells, but will
- * always be located on a face or an
- * edge of the adjacent cells returned.
- *
- * @author Ralf B. Schulz,
- * Wolfgang Bangerth, 2006
- */
- template class Container, int spacedim>
- static
- std::vector::active_cell_iterator>
- find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex (const Container &container,
- const unsigned int vertex);
- /**
- * Find and return an iterator to
- * the active cell that surrounds
- * a given point @p ref. The
- * type of the first parameter
- * may be either
- * Triangulation,
- * DoFHandler, or
- * MGDoFHandler, i.e. we
- * can find the cell around a
- * point for iterators into each
- * of these classes.
- *
- * This is solely a wrapper function
- * for the @p interpolate function
- * given below,
- * providing backward compatibility.
- * A Q1 mapping is used for the
- * boundary, and the iterator to
- * the cell in which the point
- * resides is returned.
- *
- * It is recommended to use the
- * other version of this function,
- * as it simultaneously delivers the
- * local coordinate of the given point
- * without additional computational cost.
- */
- template class Container, int spacedim>
- static
- typename Container::active_cell_iterator
- find_active_cell_around_point (const Container &container,
- const Point &p);
- /**
- * Find and return an iterator to
- * the active cell that surrounds
- * a given point @p p. The
- * type of the first parameter
- * may be either
- * Triangulation,
- * DoFHandler, hp::DoFHandler, or
- * MGDoFHandler, i.e., we
- * can find the cell around a
- * point for iterators into each
- * of these classes.
- *
- * The algorithm used in this
- * function proceeds by first
- * looking for vertex located
- * closest to the given point, see
- * find_closest_vertex(). Secondly,
- * all adjacent cells to this point
- * are found in the mesh, see
- * find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex().
- * Lastly, for each of these cells,
- * it is tested whether the point is
- * inside. This check is performed
- * using arbitrary boundary mappings.
- * Still, it is possible that due
- * to roundoff errors, the point
- * cannot be located exactly inside
- * the unit cell. In this case,
- * even points at a very small
- * distance outside the unit cell
- * are allowed.
- *
- * If a point lies on the
- * boundary of two or more cells,
- * then the algorithm tries to identify
- * the cell that is of highest
- * refinement level.
- *
- * The function returns an
- * iterator to the cell, as well
- * as the local position of the
- * point inside the unit
- * cell. This local position
- * might be located slightly
- * outside an actual unit cell,
- * due to numerical roundoff.
- * Therefore, the point returned
- * by this function should
- * be projected onto the unit cell,
- * using GeometryInfo::project_to_unit_cell.
- * This is not automatically performed
- * by the algorithm.
- */
- template class Container, int spacedim>
- static
- std::pair::active_cell_iterator, Point >
- find_active_cell_around_point (const Mapping &mapping,
- const Container &container,
- const Point &p);
- /**
- * A version of the previous function
- * where we use that mapping on a given
- * cell that corresponds to the active
- * finite element index of that
- * cell. This is obviously only useful
- * for hp problems, since the active
- * finite element index for all other DoF
- * handlers is always zero.
- */
- template
- static
- std::pair::active_cell_iterator, Point >
- find_active_cell_around_point (const hp::MappingCollection &mapping,
- const hp::DoFHandler &container,
- const Point &p);
- /**
- * Return a list of all descendents of
- * the given cell that are active. For
- * example, if the current cell is once
- * refined but none of its children are
- * any further refined, then the returned
- * list will contain all its children.
- *
- * If the current cell is already active,
- * then the returned list is empty
- * (because the cell has no children that
- * may be active).
- *
- * Since in C++ the type of the Container
- * template argument (which can be
- * Triangulation, DoFHandler,
- * MGDoFHandler, or hp::DoFHandler) can
- * not be deduced from a function call,
- * you will have to specify it after the
- * function name, as for example in
- * GridTools::get_active_child_cells@
- * @> (cell)
- */
- template
- static
- std::vector
- get_active_child_cells (const typename Container::cell_iterator &cell);
- /**
- * Extract the active cells around a given
- * cell @p cell and return them in the
- * vector @p active_neighbors.
- */
- template
- static void
- get_active_neighbors (const typename Container::active_cell_iterator &cell,
- std::vector &active_neighbors);
- /**
- * Produce a sparsity pattern in which
- * nonzero entries indicate that two
- * cells are connected via a common
- * face. The diagonal entries of the
- * sparsity pattern are also set.
- *
- * The rows and columns refer to the
- * cells as they are traversed in their
- * natural order using cell iterators.
- */
- template
- static void
- get_face_connectivity_of_cells (const Triangulation &triangulation,
- SparsityPattern &connectivity);
- /**
- * Use the METIS partitioner to generate
- * a partitioning of the active cells
- * making up the entire domain. After
- * calling this function, the subdomain
- * ids of all active cells will have
- * values between zero and
- * @p n_partitions-1. You can access the
- * subdomain id of a cell by using
- * cell-@>subdomain_id().
- *
- * This function will generate an error
- * if METIS is not installed unless
- * @p n_partitions is one. I.e., you can
- * write a program so that it runs in the
- * single-processor single-partition case
- * without METIS installed, and only
- * requires METIS when multiple
- * partitions are required.
- */
- template
- static
- void
- partition_triangulation (const unsigned int n_partitions,
- Triangulation &triangulation);
- /**
- * This function does the same as the
- * previous one, i.e. it partitions a
- * triangulation using METIS into a
- * number of subdomains identified by the
- * cell-@>subdomain_id()
- * flag.
- *
- * The difference to the previous
- * function is the second argument, a
- * sparsity pattern that represents the
- * connectivity pattern between cells.
- *
- * While the function above builds it
- * directly from the triangulation by
- * considering which cells neighbor each
- * other, this function can take a more
- * refined connectivity graph. The
- * sparsity pattern needs to be of size
- * $N\times N$, where $N$ is the number
- * of active cells in the
- * triangulation. If the sparsity pattern
- * contains an entry at position $(i,j)$,
- * then this means that cells $i$ and $j$
- * (in the order in which they are
- * traversed by active cell iterators)
- * are to be considered connected; METIS
- * will then try to partition the domain
- * in such a way that (i) the subdomains
- * are of roughly equal size, and (ii) a
- * minimal number of connections are
- * broken.
- *
- * This function is mainly useful in
- * cases where connections between cells
- * exist that are not present in the
- * triangulation alone (otherwise the
- * previous function would be the simpler
- * one to use). Such connections may
- * include that certain parts of the
- * boundary of a domain are coupled
- * through symmetric boundary conditions
- * or integrals (e.g. friction contact
- * between the two sides of a crack in
- * the domain), or if a numerical scheme
- * is used that not only connects
- * immediate neighbors but a larger
- * neighborhood of cells (e.g. when
- * solving integral equations).
- *
- * In addition, this function may be
- * useful in cases where the default
- * sparsity pattern is not entirely
- * sufficient. This can happen because
- * the default is to just consider face
- * neighbors, not neighboring cells that
- * are connected by edges or
- * vertices. While the latter couple when
- * using continuous finite elements, they
- * are typically still closely connected
- * in the neighborship graph, and METIS
- * will not usually cut important
- * connections in this case. However, if
- * there are vertices in the mesh where
- * many cells (many more than the common
- * 4 or 6 in 2d and 3d, respectively)
- * come together, then there will be a
- * significant number of cells that are
- * connected across a vertex, but several
- * degrees removed in the connectivity
- * graph built only using face
- * neighbors. In a case like this, METIS
- * may sometimes make bad decisions and
- * you may want to build your own
- * connectivity graph.
- */
- template
- static
- void
- partition_triangulation (const unsigned int n_partitions,
- const SparsityPattern &cell_connection_graph,
- Triangulation &triangulation);
- /**
- * For each active cell, return in the
- * output array to which subdomain (as
- * given by the cell->subdomain_id()
- * function) it belongs. The output array
- * is supposed to have the right size
- * already when calling this function.
- *
- * This function returns the association
- * of each cell with one subdomain. If
- * you are looking for the association of
- * each @em DoF with a subdomain, use the
- * DoFTools::get_subdomain_association
- * function.
- */
- template
- static void
- get_subdomain_association (const Triangulation &triangulation,
- std::vector &subdomain);
- /**
- * Count how many cells are uniquely
- * associated with the given @p subdomain
- * index.
- *
- * This function may return zero
- * if there are no cells with the
- * given @p subdomain index. This
- * can happen, for example, if
- * you try to partition a coarse
- * mesh into more partitions (one
- * for each processor) than there
- * are cells in the mesh.
- *
- * This function returns the number of
- * cells associated with one
- * subdomain. If you are looking for the
- * association of @em DoFs with this
- * subdomain, use the
- * DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association
- * function.
- */
- template
- static unsigned int
- count_cells_with_subdomain_association (const Triangulation &triangulation,
- const types::subdomain_id_t subdomain);
- /**
- * Given two mesh containers
- * (i.e. objects of type
- * Triangulation, DoFHandler,
- * hp::DoFHandler, or
- * MGDoFHandler) that are based
- * on the same coarse mesh, this
- * function figures out a set of
- * cells that are matched between
- * the two meshes and where at
- * most one of the meshes is more
- * refined on this cell. In other
- * words, it finds the smallest
- * cells that are common to both
- * meshes, and that together
- * completely cover the domain.
- *
- * This function is useful, for
- * example, in time-dependent or
- * nonlinear application, where
- * one has to integrate a
- * solution defined on one mesh
- * (e.g., the one from the
- * previous time step or
- * nonlinear iteration) against
- * the shape functions of another
- * mesh (the next time step, the
- * next nonlinear iteration). If,
- * for example, the new mesh is
- * finer, then one has to obtain
- * the solution on the coarse
- * mesh (mesh_1) and interpolate
- * it to the children of the
- * corresponding cell of
- * mesh_2. Conversely, if the new
- * mesh is coarser, one has to
- * express the coarse cell shape
- * function by a linear
- * combination of fine cell shape
- * functions. In either case, one
- * needs to loop over the finest
- * cells that are common to both
- * triangulations. This function
- * returns a list of pairs of
- * matching iterators to cells in
- * the two meshes that can be
- * used to this end.
- *
- * Note that the list of these
- * iterators is not necessarily
- * order, and does also not
- * necessarily coincide with the
- * order in which cells are
- * traversed in one, or both, of
- * the meshes given as arguments.
- */
- template
- static
- std::list >
- get_finest_common_cells (const Container &mesh_1,
- const Container &mesh_2);
- /**
- * Return true if the two
- * triangulations are based on
- * the same coarse mesh. This is
- * determined by checking whether
- * they have the same number of
- * cells on the coarsest level,
- * and then checking that they
- * have the same vertices.
- *
- * The two meshes may have
- * different refinement histories
- * beyond the coarse mesh.
- */
- template
- static
- bool
- have_same_coarse_mesh (const Triangulation &mesh_1,
- const Triangulation &mesh_2);
- /**
- * The same function as above,
- * but working on arguments of
- * type DoFHandler,
- * hp::DoFHandler, or
- * MGDoFHandler. This function is
- * provided to allow calling
- * have_same_coarse_mesh for all
- * types of containers
- * representing triangulations or
- * the classes built on
- * triangulations.
- */
- template
- static
- bool
- have_same_coarse_mesh (const Container &mesh_1,
- const Container &mesh_2);
- /**
- * Return the diamater of the smallest
- * active cell of a triangulation. See
- * step-24 for an example
- * of use of this function.
- */
- template
- static
- double
- minimal_cell_diameter (const Triangulation &triangulation);
- /**
- * Return the diamater of the largest
- * active cell of a triangulation.
- */
- template
- static
- double
- maximal_cell_diameter (const Triangulation &triangulation);
- /**
- * Given the two triangulations
- * specified as the first two
- * arguments, create the
- * triangulation that contains
- * the finest cells of both
- * triangulation and store it in
- * the third parameter. Previous
- * content of @p result will be
- * deleted.
- *
- * @note This function is intended
- * to create an adaptively refined
- * triangulation that contains the
- * most refined cells from
- * two input triangulations that
- * were derived from the same
- * coarse grid by adaptive refinement.
- * This is an operation sometimes
- * needed when one solves for two
- * variables of a coupled problem
- * on separately refined meshes on
- * the same domain (for example
- * because these variables have
- * boundary layers in different places)
- * but then needs to compute something
- * that involves both variables or
- * wants to output the result into a
- * single file. In both cases, in
- * order not to lose information,
- * the two solutions can not be
- * interpolated onto the respectively
- * other mesh because that may be
- * coarser than the ones on which
- * the variable was computed. Rather,
- * one needs to have a mesh for the
- * domain that is at least as fine
- * as each of the two initial meshes.
- * This function computes such a mesh.
- *
- * @note If you want to create
- * a mesh that is the merger of
- * two other coarse meshes, for
- * example in order to compose a mesh
- * for a complicated geometry from
- * meshes for simpler geometries,
- * take a look at
- * GridGenerator::merge_triangulations .
- */
- template
- static
- void
- create_union_triangulation (const Triangulation &triangulation_1,
- const Triangulation &triangulation_2,
- Triangulation &result);
- /**
- * Given a triangulation and a
- * list of cells whose children
- * have become distorted as a
- * result of mesh refinement, try
- * to fix these cells up by
- * moving the center node around.
- *
- * The function returns a list of
- * cells with distorted children
- * that couldn't be fixed up for
- * whatever reason. The returned
- * list is therefore a subset of
- * the input argument.
- *
- * For a definition of the
- * concept of distorted cells,
- * see the
- * @ref GlossDistorted "glossary entry".
- * The first argument passed to the
- * current function is typically
- * the exception thrown by the
- * Triangulation::execute_coarsening_and_refinement
- * function.
- */
- template
- static
- typename Triangulation::DistortedCellList
- fix_up_distorted_child_cells (const typename Triangulation::DistortedCellList &distorted_cells,
- Triangulation &triangulation);
- /**
- * This function implements a boundary
- * subgrid extraction. Given a
- * -Triangulation (the
- * "volume mesh") the function extracts a
- * subset of its boundary (the "surface
- * mesh"). The boundary to be extracted
- * is specified by a list of
- * boundary_ids. If none is specified
- * the whole boundary will be
- * extracted. The function is used in
- * step-38.
- *
- * It also builds a mapping linking the
- * cells on the surface mesh to the
- * corresponding faces on the volume
- * one. This mapping is the return value
- * of the function.
- *
- * @note The function builds the surface
- * mesh by creating a coarse mesh from
- * the selected faces of the coarse cells
- * of the volume mesh. It copies the
- * boundary indicators of these faces to
- * the cells of the coarse surface
- * mesh. The surface mesh is then refined
- * in the same way as the faces of the
- * volume mesh are. In order to ensure
- * that the surface mesh has the same
- * vertices as the volume mesh, it is
- * therefore important that you assign
- * appropriate boundary objects through
- * Triangulation::set_boundary to the
- * surface mesh object before calling
- * this function. If you don't, the
- * refinement will happen under the
- * assumption that all faces are straight
- * (i.e using the StraightBoundary class)
- * rather than any curved boundary object
- * you may want to use to determine the
- * location of new vertices.
- *
- * @note Oftentimes, the
- * Container
- * template type will be of kind
- * Triangulation; in that case,
- * the map that is returned will
- * be between Triangulation cell
- * iterators of the surface mesh
- * and Triangulation face
- * iterators of the volume
- * mesh. However, one often needs
- * to have this mapping between
- * DoFHandler (or hp::DoFHandler)
- * iterators. In that case, you
- * can pass DoFHandler arguments
- * as first and second parameter;
- * the function will in that case
- * re-build the triangulation
- * underlying the second argument
- * and return a map between
- * DoFHandler iterators. However,
- * the function will not actually
- * distribute degrees of freedom
- * on this newly created surface
- * mesh.
- *
- * @note The algorithm outlined
- * above assumes that all faces
- * on higher refinement levels
- * always have exactly the same
- * boundary indicator as their
- * parent face. Consequently, we
- * can start with coarse level
- * faces and build the surface
- * mesh based on that. It would
- * not be very difficult to
- * extend the function to also
- * copy boundary indicators from
- * finer level faces to their
- * corresponding surface mesh
- * cells, for example to
- * accomodate different geometry
- * descriptions in the case of
- * curved boundaries.
- */
- template class Container, int dim, int spacedim>
- static
- std::map::cell_iterator,
- typename Container::face_iterator>
- extract_boundary_mesh (const Container &volume_mesh,
- Container &surface_mesh,
- const std::set &boundary_ids
- = std::set());
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException1 (ExcInvalidNumberOfPartitions,
- int,
- << "The number of partitions you gave is " << arg1
- << ", but must be greater than zero.");
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException1 (ExcNonExistentSubdomain,
- int,
- << "The subdomain id " << arg1
- << " has no cells associated with it.");
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException0 (ExcTriangulationHasBeenRefined);
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException1 (ExcScalingFactorNotPositive,
- double,
- << "The scaling factor must be positive, but is " << arg1);
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- template
- DeclException1 (ExcPointNotFoundInCoarseGrid,
- Point,
- << "The point <" << arg1
- << "> could not be found inside any of the "
- << "coarse grid cells.");
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- template
- DeclException1 (ExcPointNotFound,
- Point,
- << "The point <" << arg1
- << "> could not be found inside any of the "
- << "subcells of a coarse grid cell.");
- DeclException1 (ExcVertexNotUsed,
- unsigned int,
- << "The given vertex " << arg1
- << " is not used in the given triangulation");
+ /**
+ * Return the diameter of a
+ * triangulation. The diameter is
+ * computed using only the
+ * vertices, i.e. if the diameter
+ * should be larger than the
+ * maximal distance between
+ * boundary vertices due to a
+ * higher order mapping, then
+ * this function will not catch
+ * this.
+ */
+ template
+ double diameter (const Triangulation &tria);
+ /**
+ * Compute the volume (i.e. the dim-dimensional measure) of the
+ * triangulation. We compute the measure using the integral
+ * $\int 1 \; dx$. The integral approximated is approximated
+ * via quadrature for which we need the mapping argument.
+ *
+ * This function also works for objects of type
+ * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, in which case the
+ * function is a collective operation.
+ */
+ template
+ double volume (const Triangulation &tria,
+ const Mapping &mapping = (StaticMappingQ1::mapping));
+ /**
+ * Given a list of vertices (typically
+ * obtained using
+ * Triangulation::get_vertices) as the
+ * first, and a list of vertex indices
+ * that characterize a single cell as the
+ * second argument, return the measure
+ * (area, volume) of this cell. If this
+ * is a real cell, then you can get the
+ * same result using
+ * cell-@>measure()
, but
+ * this function also works for cells
+ * that do not exist except that you make
+ * it up by naming its vertices from the
+ * list.
+ */
+ template
+ double cell_measure (const std::vector > &all_vertices,
+ const unsigned int (&vertex_indices)[GeometryInfo::vertices_per_cell]);
+ /**
+ * Remove vertices that are not
+ * referenced by any of the
+ * cells. This function is called
+ * by all GridIn::read_*
+ * functions to eliminate
+ * vertices that are listed in
+ * the input files but are not
+ * used by the cells in the input
+ * file. While these vertices
+ * should not be in the input
+ * from the beginning, they
+ * sometimes are, most often when
+ * some cells have been removed
+ * by hand without wanting to
+ * update the vertex lists, as
+ * they might be lengthy.
+ *
+ * This function is called by all
+ * GridIn::read_*
+ * functions as the triangulation
+ * class requires them to be
+ * called with used vertices
+ * only. This is so, since the
+ * vertices are copied verbatim
+ * by that class, so we have to
+ * eliminate unused vertices
+ * beforehand.
+ *
+ * Not implemented for the
+ * codimension one case.
+ */
+ template
+ void delete_unused_vertices (std::vector > &vertices,
+ std::vector > &cells,
+ SubCellData &subcelldata);
+ /**
+ * Remove vertices that are duplicated,
+ * due to the input of a structured grid,
+ * for example. If these vertices are not
+ * removed, the faces bounded by these
+ * vertices become part of the boundary,
+ * even if they are in the interior of
+ * the mesh.
+ *
+ * This function is called by some
+ * GridIn::read_* functions. Only
+ * the vertices with indices in @p
+ * considered_vertices are tested for
+ * equality. This speeds up the algorithm,
+ * which is quadratic and thus quite slow
+ * to begin with. However, if you wish to
+ * consider all vertices, simply pass an
+ * empty vector.
+ *
+ * Two vertices are considered equal if
+ * their difference in each coordinate
+ * direction is less than @p tol.
+ */
+ template
+ void delete_duplicated_vertices (std::vector > &all_vertices,
+ std::vector > &cells,
+ SubCellData &subcelldata,
+ std::vector &considered_vertices,
+ const double tol=1e-12);
+ /**
+ * Transform the vertices of the given
+ * triangulation by applying the
+ * predicate to all its vertices. Since
+ * the internal consistency of a
+ * triangulation can only be guaranteed
+ * if the transformation is applied to
+ * the vertices of only one level of a
+ * hierarchically refined cells, this
+ * function may only be used if all cells
+ * of the triangulation are on the same
+ * refinement level.
+ *
+ * The predicate given as
+ * argument is used to transform
+ * each vertex. Its respective
+ * type has to offer a
+ * function-like syntax, i.e. the
+ * predicate is either an object
+ * of a type that has an
+ * operator(), or it is a
+ * pointer to the function. In
+ * either case, argument and
+ * return value have to be of
+ * type Point.
+ *
+ * This function is used in the
+ * "Possibilities for extensions" section
+ * of step-38.
+ */
+ template
+ void transform (const Predicate &predicate,
+ Triangulation &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * Shift each vertex of the
+ * triangulation by the given
+ * shift vector. This function
+ * uses the transform()
+ * function above, so the
+ * requirements on the
+ * triangulation stated there
+ * hold for this function as
+ * well.
+ */
+ template
+ void shift (const Point &shift_vector,
+ Triangulation &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * Rotate all vertices of the
+ * given two-dimensional
+ * triangulation in
+ * counter-clockwise sense around
+ * the origin of the coordinate
+ * system by the given angle
+ * (given in radians, rather than
+ * degrees). This function uses
+ * the transform() function
+ * above, so the requirements on
+ * the triangulation stated there
+ * hold for this function as
+ * well.
+ */
+ void rotate (const double angle,
+ Triangulation<2> &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * Scale the entire triangulation
+ * by the given factor. To
+ * preserve the orientation of
+ * the triangulation, the factor
+ * must be positive.
+ *
+ * This function uses the
+ * transform() function
+ * above, so the requirements on
+ * the triangulation stated there
+ * hold for this function as
+ * well.
+ */
+ template
+ void scale (const double scaling_factor,
+ Triangulation &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * Find and return the number of
+ * the used vertex in a given
+ * Container that is located closest
+ * to a given point @p p. The
+ * type of the first parameter
+ * may be either Triangulation,
+ * DoFHandler, hp::DoFHandler, or
+ * MGDoFHandler.
+ *
+ * @author Ralf B. Schulz, 2006
+ */
+ template class Container, int spacedim>
+ unsigned int
+ find_closest_vertex (const Container &container,
+ const Point &p);
+ /**
+ * Find and return a vector of
+ * iterators to active cells that
+ * surround a given vertex @p vertex.
+ * The type of the first parameter
+ * may be either Triangulation,
+ * DoFHandler, hp::DoFHandler, or
+ * MGDoFHandler.
+ *
+ * For locally refined grids, the
+ * vertex itself might not be a vertex
+ * of all adjacent cells, but will
+ * always be located on a face or an
+ * edge of the adjacent cells returned.
+ *
+ * @author Ralf B. Schulz,
+ * Wolfgang Bangerth, 2006
+ */
+ template class Container, int spacedim>
+ std::vector::active_cell_iterator>
+ find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex (const Container &container,
+ const unsigned int vertex);
+ /**
+ * Find and return an iterator to
+ * the active cell that surrounds
+ * a given point @p ref. The
+ * type of the first parameter
+ * may be either
+ * Triangulation,
+ * DoFHandler, or
+ * MGDoFHandler, i.e. we
+ * can find the cell around a
+ * point for iterators into each
+ * of these classes.
+ *
+ * This is solely a wrapper function
+ * for the @p interpolate function
+ * given below,
+ * providing backward compatibility.
+ * A Q1 mapping is used for the
+ * boundary, and the iterator to
+ * the cell in which the point
+ * resides is returned.
+ *
+ * It is recommended to use the
+ * other version of this function,
+ * as it simultaneously delivers the
+ * local coordinate of the given point
+ * without additional computational cost.
+ */
+ template class Container, int spacedim>
+ typename Container::active_cell_iterator
+ find_active_cell_around_point (const Container &container,
+ const Point &p);
+ /**
+ * Find and return an iterator to
+ * the active cell that surrounds
+ * a given point @p p. The
+ * type of the first parameter
+ * may be either
+ * Triangulation,
+ * DoFHandler, hp::DoFHandler, or
+ * MGDoFHandler, i.e., we
+ * can find the cell around a
+ * point for iterators into each
+ * of these classes.
+ *
+ * The algorithm used in this
+ * function proceeds by first
+ * looking for vertex located
+ * closest to the given point, see
+ * find_closest_vertex(). Secondly,
+ * all adjacent cells to this point
+ * are found in the mesh, see
+ * find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex().
+ * Lastly, for each of these cells,
+ * it is tested whether the point is
+ * inside. This check is performed
+ * using arbitrary boundary mappings.
+ * Still, it is possible that due
+ * to roundoff errors, the point
+ * cannot be located exactly inside
+ * the unit cell. In this case,
+ * even points at a very small
+ * distance outside the unit cell
+ * are allowed.
+ *
+ * If a point lies on the
+ * boundary of two or more cells,
+ * then the algorithm tries to identify
+ * the cell that is of highest
+ * refinement level.
+ *
+ * The function returns an
+ * iterator to the cell, as well
+ * as the local position of the
+ * point inside the unit
+ * cell. This local position
+ * might be located slightly
+ * outside an actual unit cell,
+ * due to numerical roundoff.
+ * Therefore, the point returned
+ * by this function should
+ * be projected onto the unit cell,
+ * using GeometryInfo::project_to_unit_cell.
+ * This is not automatically performed
+ * by the algorithm.
+ */
+ template class Container, int spacedim>
+ std::pair::active_cell_iterator, Point >
+ find_active_cell_around_point (const Mapping &mapping,
+ const Container &container,
+ const Point &p);
+ /**
+ * A version of the previous function
+ * where we use that mapping on a given
+ * cell that corresponds to the active
+ * finite element index of that
+ * cell. This is obviously only useful
+ * for hp problems, since the active
+ * finite element index for all other DoF
+ * handlers is always zero.
+ */
+ template
+ std::pair::active_cell_iterator, Point >
+ find_active_cell_around_point (const hp::MappingCollection &mapping,
+ const hp::DoFHandler &container,
+ const Point &p);
+ /**
+ * Return a list of all descendents of
+ * the given cell that are active. For
+ * example, if the current cell is once
+ * refined but none of its children are
+ * any further refined, then the returned
+ * list will contain all its children.
+ *
+ * If the current cell is already active,
+ * then the returned list is empty
+ * (because the cell has no children that
+ * may be active).
+ *
+ * Since in C++ the type of the Container
+ * template argument (which can be
+ * Triangulation, DoFHandler,
+ * MGDoFHandler, or hp::DoFHandler) can
+ * not be deduced from a function call,
+ * you will have to specify it after the
+ * function name, as for example in
+ * GridTools::get_active_child_cells@
+ * @> (cell)
+ */
+ template
+ std::vector
+ get_active_child_cells (const typename Container::cell_iterator &cell);
+ /**
+ * Extract the active cells around a given
+ * cell @p cell and return them in the
+ * vector @p active_neighbors.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ get_active_neighbors (const typename Container::active_cell_iterator &cell,
+ std::vector &active_neighbors);
+ /**
+ * Produce a sparsity pattern in which
+ * nonzero entries indicate that two
+ * cells are connected via a common
+ * face. The diagonal entries of the
+ * sparsity pattern are also set.
+ *
+ * The rows and columns refer to the
+ * cells as they are traversed in their
+ * natural order using cell iterators.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ get_face_connectivity_of_cells (const Triangulation &triangulation,
+ SparsityPattern &connectivity);
+ /**
+ * Use the METIS partitioner to generate
+ * a partitioning of the active cells
+ * making up the entire domain. After
+ * calling this function, the subdomain
+ * ids of all active cells will have
+ * values between zero and
+ * @p n_partitions-1. You can access the
+ * subdomain id of a cell by using
+ * cell-@>subdomain_id().
+ *
+ * This function will generate an error
+ * if METIS is not installed unless
+ * @p n_partitions is one. I.e., you can
+ * write a program so that it runs in the
+ * single-processor single-partition case
+ * without METIS installed, and only
+ * requires METIS when multiple
+ * partitions are required.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ partition_triangulation (const unsigned int n_partitions,
+ Triangulation &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * This function does the same as the
+ * previous one, i.e. it partitions a
+ * triangulation using METIS into a
+ * number of subdomains identified by the
+ * cell-@>subdomain_id()
+ * flag.
+ *
+ * The difference to the previous
+ * function is the second argument, a
+ * sparsity pattern that represents the
+ * connectivity pattern between cells.
+ *
+ * While the function above builds it
+ * directly from the triangulation by
+ * considering which cells neighbor each
+ * other, this function can take a more
+ * refined connectivity graph. The
+ * sparsity pattern needs to be of size
+ * $N\times N$, where $N$ is the number
+ * of active cells in the
+ * triangulation. If the sparsity pattern
+ * contains an entry at position $(i,j)$,
+ * then this means that cells $i$ and $j$
+ * (in the order in which they are
+ * traversed by active cell iterators)
+ * are to be considered connected; METIS
+ * will then try to partition the domain
+ * in such a way that (i) the subdomains
+ * are of roughly equal size, and (ii) a
+ * minimal number of connections are
+ * broken.
+ *
+ * This function is mainly useful in
+ * cases where connections between cells
+ * exist that are not present in the
+ * triangulation alone (otherwise the
+ * previous function would be the simpler
+ * one to use). Such connections may
+ * include that certain parts of the
+ * boundary of a domain are coupled
+ * through symmetric boundary conditions
+ * or integrals (e.g. friction contact
+ * between the two sides of a crack in
+ * the domain), or if a numerical scheme
+ * is used that not only connects
+ * immediate neighbors but a larger
+ * neighborhood of cells (e.g. when
+ * solving integral equations).
+ *
+ * In addition, this function may be
+ * useful in cases where the default
+ * sparsity pattern is not entirely
+ * sufficient. This can happen because
+ * the default is to just consider face
+ * neighbors, not neighboring cells that
+ * are connected by edges or
+ * vertices. While the latter couple when
+ * using continuous finite elements, they
+ * are typically still closely connected
+ * in the neighborship graph, and METIS
+ * will not usually cut important
+ * connections in this case. However, if
+ * there are vertices in the mesh where
+ * many cells (many more than the common
+ * 4 or 6 in 2d and 3d, respectively)
+ * come together, then there will be a
+ * significant number of cells that are
+ * connected across a vertex, but several
+ * degrees removed in the connectivity
+ * graph built only using face
+ * neighbors. In a case like this, METIS
+ * may sometimes make bad decisions and
+ * you may want to build your own
+ * connectivity graph.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ partition_triangulation (const unsigned int n_partitions,
+ const SparsityPattern &cell_connection_graph,
+ Triangulation &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * For each active cell, return in the
+ * output array to which subdomain (as
+ * given by the cell->subdomain_id()
+ * function) it belongs. The output array
+ * is supposed to have the right size
+ * already when calling this function.
+ *
+ * This function returns the association
+ * of each cell with one subdomain. If
+ * you are looking for the association of
+ * each @em DoF with a subdomain, use the
+ * DoFTools::get_subdomain_association
+ * function.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ get_subdomain_association (const Triangulation &triangulation,
+ std::vector &subdomain);
+ /**
+ * Count how many cells are uniquely
+ * associated with the given @p subdomain
+ * index.
+ *
+ * This function may return zero
+ * if there are no cells with the
+ * given @p subdomain index. This
+ * can happen, for example, if
+ * you try to partition a coarse
+ * mesh into more partitions (one
+ * for each processor) than there
+ * are cells in the mesh.
+ *
+ * This function returns the number of
+ * cells associated with one
+ * subdomain. If you are looking for the
+ * association of @em DoFs with this
+ * subdomain, use the
+ * DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association
+ * function.
+ */
+ template
+ unsigned int
+ count_cells_with_subdomain_association (const Triangulation &triangulation,
+ const types::subdomain_id_t subdomain);
+ /**
+ * Given two mesh containers
+ * (i.e. objects of type
+ * Triangulation, DoFHandler,
+ * hp::DoFHandler, or
+ * MGDoFHandler) that are based
+ * on the same coarse mesh, this
+ * function figures out a set of
+ * cells that are matched between
+ * the two meshes and where at
+ * most one of the meshes is more
+ * refined on this cell. In other
+ * words, it finds the smallest
+ * cells that are common to both
+ * meshes, and that together
+ * completely cover the domain.
+ *
+ * This function is useful, for
+ * example, in time-dependent or
+ * nonlinear application, where
+ * one has to integrate a
+ * solution defined on one mesh
+ * (e.g., the one from the
+ * previous time step or
+ * nonlinear iteration) against
+ * the shape functions of another
+ * mesh (the next time step, the
+ * next nonlinear iteration). If,
+ * for example, the new mesh is
+ * finer, then one has to obtain
+ * the solution on the coarse
+ * mesh (mesh_1) and interpolate
+ * it to the children of the
+ * corresponding cell of
+ * mesh_2. Conversely, if the new
+ * mesh is coarser, one has to
+ * express the coarse cell shape
+ * function by a linear
+ * combination of fine cell shape
+ * functions. In either case, one
+ * needs to loop over the finest
+ * cells that are common to both
+ * triangulations. This function
+ * returns a list of pairs of
+ * matching iterators to cells in
+ * the two meshes that can be
+ * used to this end.
+ *
+ * Note that the list of these
+ * iterators is not necessarily
+ * order, and does also not
+ * necessarily coincide with the
+ * order in which cells are
+ * traversed in one, or both, of
+ * the meshes given as arguments.
+ */
+ template
+ std::list >
+ get_finest_common_cells (const Container &mesh_1,
+ const Container &mesh_2);
+ /**
+ * Return true if the two
+ * triangulations are based on
+ * the same coarse mesh. This is
+ * determined by checking whether
+ * they have the same number of
+ * cells on the coarsest level,
+ * and then checking that they
+ * have the same vertices.
+ *
+ * The two meshes may have
+ * different refinement histories
+ * beyond the coarse mesh.
+ */
+ template
+ bool
+ have_same_coarse_mesh (const Triangulation &mesh_1,
+ const Triangulation &mesh_2);
+ /**
+ * The same function as above,
+ * but working on arguments of
+ * type DoFHandler,
+ * hp::DoFHandler, or
+ * MGDoFHandler. This function is
+ * provided to allow calling
+ * have_same_coarse_mesh for all
+ * types of containers
+ * representing triangulations or
+ * the classes built on
+ * triangulations.
+ */
+ template
+ bool
+ have_same_coarse_mesh (const Container &mesh_1,
+ const Container &mesh_2);
+ /**
+ * Return the diamater of the smallest
+ * active cell of a triangulation. See
+ * step-24 for an example
+ * of use of this function.
+ */
+ template
+ double
+ minimal_cell_diameter (const Triangulation &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * Return the diamater of the largest
+ * active cell of a triangulation.
+ */
+ template
+ double
+ maximal_cell_diameter (const Triangulation &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * Given the two triangulations
+ * specified as the first two
+ * arguments, create the
+ * triangulation that contains
+ * the finest cells of both
+ * triangulation and store it in
+ * the third parameter. Previous
+ * content of @p result will be
+ * deleted.
+ *
+ * @note This function is intended
+ * to create an adaptively refined
+ * triangulation that contains the
+ * most refined cells from
+ * two input triangulations that
+ * were derived from the same
+ * coarse grid by adaptive refinement.
+ * This is an operation sometimes
+ * needed when one solves for two
+ * variables of a coupled problem
+ * on separately refined meshes on
+ * the same domain (for example
+ * because these variables have
+ * boundary layers in different places)
+ * but then needs to compute something
+ * that involves both variables or
+ * wants to output the result into a
+ * single file. In both cases, in
+ * order not to lose information,
+ * the two solutions can not be
+ * interpolated onto the respectively
+ * other mesh because that may be
+ * coarser than the ones on which
+ * the variable was computed. Rather,
+ * one needs to have a mesh for the
+ * domain that is at least as fine
+ * as each of the two initial meshes.
+ * This function computes such a mesh.
+ *
+ * @note If you want to create
+ * a mesh that is the merger of
+ * two other coarse meshes, for
+ * example in order to compose a mesh
+ * for a complicated geometry from
+ * meshes for simpler geometries,
+ * take a look at
+ * GridGenerator::merge_triangulations .
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ create_union_triangulation (const Triangulation &triangulation_1,
+ const Triangulation &triangulation_2,
+ Triangulation &result);
+ /**
+ * Given a triangulation and a
+ * list of cells whose children
+ * have become distorted as a
+ * result of mesh refinement, try
+ * to fix these cells up by
+ * moving the center node around.
+ *
+ * The function returns a list of
+ * cells with distorted children
+ * that couldn't be fixed up for
+ * whatever reason. The returned
+ * list is therefore a subset of
+ * the input argument.
+ *
+ * For a definition of the
+ * concept of distorted cells,
+ * see the
+ * @ref GlossDistorted "glossary entry".
+ * The first argument passed to the
+ * current function is typically
+ * the exception thrown by the
+ * Triangulation::execute_coarsening_and_refinement
+ * function.
+ */
+ template
+ typename Triangulation::DistortedCellList
+ fix_up_distorted_child_cells (const typename Triangulation::DistortedCellList &distorted_cells,
+ Triangulation &triangulation);
+ /**
+ * This function implements a boundary
+ * subgrid extraction. Given a
+ * -Triangulation (the
+ * "volume mesh") the function extracts a
+ * subset of its boundary (the "surface
+ * mesh"). The boundary to be extracted
+ * is specified by a list of
+ * boundary_ids. If none is specified
+ * the whole boundary will be
+ * extracted. The function is used in
+ * step-38.
+ *
+ * It also builds a mapping linking the
+ * cells on the surface mesh to the
+ * corresponding faces on the volume
+ * one. This mapping is the return value
+ * of the function.
+ *
+ * @note The function builds the surface
+ * mesh by creating a coarse mesh from
+ * the selected faces of the coarse cells
+ * of the volume mesh. It copies the
+ * boundary indicators of these faces to
+ * the cells of the coarse surface
+ * mesh. The surface mesh is then refined
+ * in the same way as the faces of the
+ * volume mesh are. In order to ensure
+ * that the surface mesh has the same
+ * vertices as the volume mesh, it is
+ * therefore important that you assign
+ * appropriate boundary objects through
+ * Triangulation::set_boundary to the
+ * surface mesh object before calling
+ * this function. If you don't, the
+ * refinement will happen under the
+ * assumption that all faces are straight
+ * (i.e using the StraightBoundary class)
+ * rather than any curved boundary object
+ * you may want to use to determine the
+ * location of new vertices.
+ *
+ * @note Oftentimes, the
+ * Container
+ * template type will be of kind
+ * Triangulation; in that case,
+ * the map that is returned will
+ * be between Triangulation cell
+ * iterators of the surface mesh
+ * and Triangulation face
+ * iterators of the volume
+ * mesh. However, one often needs
+ * to have this mapping between
+ * DoFHandler (or hp::DoFHandler)
+ * iterators. In that case, you
+ * can pass DoFHandler arguments
+ * as first and second parameter;
+ * the function will in that case
+ * re-build the triangulation
+ * underlying the second argument
+ * and return a map between
+ * DoFHandler iterators. However,
+ * the function will not actually
+ * distribute degrees of freedom
+ * on this newly created surface
+ * mesh.
+ *
+ * @note The algorithm outlined
+ * above assumes that all faces
+ * on higher refinement levels
+ * always have exactly the same
+ * boundary indicator as their
+ * parent face. Consequently, we
+ * can start with coarse level
+ * faces and build the surface
+ * mesh based on that. It would
+ * not be very difficult to
+ * extend the function to also
+ * copy boundary indicators from
+ * finer level faces to their
+ * corresponding surface mesh
+ * cells, for example to
+ * accomodate different geometry
+ * descriptions in the case of
+ * curved boundaries.
+ */
+ template class Container, int dim, int spacedim>
+ std::map::cell_iterator,
+ typename Container::face_iterator>
+ extract_boundary_mesh (const Container &volume_mesh,
+ Container &surface_mesh,
+ const std::set &boundary_ids
+ = std::set());
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+DeclException1 (ExcInvalidNumberOfPartitions,
+ int,
+ << "The number of partitions you gave is " << arg1
+ << ", but must be greater than zero.");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+DeclException1 (ExcNonExistentSubdomain,
+ int,
+ << "The subdomain id " << arg1
+ << " has no cells associated with it.");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+DeclException0 (ExcTriangulationHasBeenRefined);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+DeclException1 (ExcScalingFactorNotPositive,
+ double,
+ << "The scaling factor must be positive, but is " << arg1);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+DeclException1 (ExcPointNotFoundInCoarseGrid,
+ Point,
+ << "The point <" << arg1
+ << "> could not be found inside any of the "
+ << "coarse grid cells.");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+DeclException1 (ExcPointNotFound,
+ Point,
+ << "The point <" << arg1
+ << "> could not be found inside any of the "
+ << "subcells of a coarse grid cell.");
+DeclException1 (ExcVertexNotUsed,
+ unsigned int,
+ << "The given vertex " << arg1
+ << " is not used in the given triangulation");
-/* ----------------- Template function --------------- */
-void GridTools::transform (const Predicate &predicate,
- Triangulation &triangulation)
- // ensure that all the cells of the
- // triangulation are on the same level
- Assert (triangulation.n_levels() ==
- static_cast(triangulation.begin_active()->level()+1),
- ExcMessage ("Not all cells of this triangulation are at the same "
- "refinement level, as is required for this function."));
- std::vector treated_vertices (triangulation.n_vertices(),
- false);
- // loop over all active cells, and
- // transform those vertices that
- // have not yet been touched. note
- // that we get to all vertices in
- // the triangulation by only
- // visiting the active cells.
- typename Triangulation::active_cell_iterator
- cell = triangulation.begin_active (),
- endc = triangulation.end ();
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- for (unsigned int v=0; v::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
- if (treated_vertices[cell->vertex_index(v)] == false)
- {
- // transform this vertex
- cell->vertex(v) = predicate(cell->vertex(v));
- // and mark it as treated
- treated_vertices[cell->vertex_index(v)] = true;
- };
-GridTools::get_active_child_cells (const typename DH::cell_iterator& cell)
- std::vector child_cells;
+/* ----------------- Template function --------------- */
- if (cell->has_children())
- {
- for (unsigned int child=0;
- childn_children(); ++child)
- if (cell->child (child)->has_children())
+namespace GridTools
+ template
+ void transform (const Predicate &predicate,
+ Triangulation &triangulation)
+ {
+ // ensure that all the cells of the
+ // triangulation are on the same level
+ Assert (triangulation.n_levels() ==
+ static_cast(triangulation.begin_active()->level()+1),
+ ExcMessage ("Not all cells of this triangulation are at the same "
+ "refinement level, as is required for this function."));
+ std::vector treated_vertices (triangulation.n_vertices(),
+ false);
+ // loop over all active cells, and
+ // transform those vertices that
+ // have not yet been touched. note
+ // that we get to all vertices in
+ // the triangulation by only
+ // visiting the active cells.
+ typename Triangulation::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = triangulation.begin_active (),
+ endc = triangulation.end ();
+ for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ if (treated_vertices[cell->vertex_index(v)] == false)
- const std::vector
- children = get_active_child_cells (cell->child(child));
- child_cells.insert (child_cells.end(),
- children.begin(), children.end());
- }
- else
- child_cells.push_back (cell->child(child));
- }
- return child_cells;
+ // transform this vertex
+ cell->vertex(v) = predicate(cell->vertex(v));
+ // and mark it as treated
+ treated_vertices[cell->vertex_index(v)] = true;
+ };
+ }
-GridTools::get_active_neighbors(const typename Container::active_cell_iterator &cell,
- std::vector &active_neighbors)
- active_neighbors.clear ();
- for (unsigned int n=0; n::faces_per_cell; ++n)
- if (! cell->at_boundary(n))
+ template
+ std::vector
+ get_active_child_cells (const typename DH::cell_iterator& cell)
+ {
+ std::vector child_cells;
+ if (cell->has_children())
- if (Container::dimension == 1)
- {
- // check children of neighbor. note
- // that in 1d children of the neighbor
- // may be further refined. In 1d the
- // case is simple since we know what
- // children bound to the present cell
- typename Container::cell_iterator
- neighbor_child = cell->neighbor(n);
- if (!neighbor_child->active())
- {
- while (neighbor_child->has_children())
- neighbor_child = neighbor_child->child (n==0 ? 1 : 0);
- Assert (neighbor_child->neighbor(n==0 ? 1 : 0)==cell,
- ExcInternalError());
- }
- active_neighbors.push_back (neighbor_child);
- }
- else
- {
- if (cell->face(n)->has_children())
- // this neighbor has children. find
- // out which border to the present
- // cell
- for (unsigned int c=0; cface(n)->number_of_children(); ++c)
- active_neighbors.push_back (cell->neighbor_child_on_subface(n,c));
- else
- {
- // the neighbor must be active
- // himself
- Assert(cell->neighbor(n)->active(), ExcInternalError());
- active_neighbors.push_back(cell->neighbor(n));
- }
- }
+ for (unsigned int child=0;
+ childn_children(); ++child)
+ if (cell->child (child)->has_children())
+ {
+ const std::vector
+ children = get_active_child_cells (cell->child(child));
+ child_cells.insert (child_cells.end(),
+ children.begin(), children.end());
+ }
+ else
+ child_cells.push_back (cell->child(child));
+ return child_cells;
+ }
-// declaration of explicit specializations
-template <>
-GridTools::cell_measure<3>(const std::vector > &all_vertices,
- const unsigned int (&vertex_indices) [GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell]);
+ template
+ void
+ get_active_neighbors(const typename Container::active_cell_iterator &cell,
+ std::vector &active_neighbors)
+ {
+ active_neighbors.clear ();
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n::faces_per_cell; ++n)
+ if (! cell->at_boundary(n))
+ {
+ if (Container::dimension == 1)
+ {
+ // check children of neighbor. note
+ // that in 1d children of the neighbor
+ // may be further refined. In 1d the
+ // case is simple since we know what
+ // children bound to the present cell
+ typename Container::cell_iterator
+ neighbor_child = cell->neighbor(n);
+ if (!neighbor_child->active())
+ {
+ while (neighbor_child->has_children())
+ neighbor_child = neighbor_child->child (n==0 ? 1 : 0);
+ Assert (neighbor_child->neighbor(n==0 ? 1 : 0)==cell,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ active_neighbors.push_back (neighbor_child);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (cell->face(n)->has_children())
+ // this neighbor has children. find
+ // out which border to the present
+ // cell
+ for (unsigned int c=0; cface(n)->number_of_children(); ++c)
+ active_neighbors.push_back (cell->neighbor_child_on_subface(n,c));
+ else
+ {
+ // the neighbor must be active
+ // himself
+ Assert(cell->neighbor(n)->active(), ExcInternalError());
+ active_neighbors.push_back(cell->neighbor(n));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
-template <>
-GridTools::cell_measure<2>(const std::vector > &all_vertices,
- const unsigned int (&vertex_indices) [GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell]);
-// double
-// GridTools::cell_measure<2,3>(const std::vector > &all_vertices,
-// const unsigned int (&vertex_indices) [GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell]);
+// declaration of explicit specializations
+ template <>
+ double
+ cell_measure<3>(const std::vector > &all_vertices,
+ const unsigned int (&vertex_indices) [GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell]);
+ template <>
+ double
+ cell_measure<2>(const std::vector > &all_vertices,
+ const unsigned int (&vertex_indices) [GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell]);
diff --git a/deal.II/include/deal.II/multigrid/mg_tools.h b/deal.II/include/deal.II/multigrid/mg_tools.h
index e873afc09d..6fa2a6371d 100644
--- a/deal.II/include/deal.II/multigrid/mg_tools.h
+++ b/deal.II/include/deal.II/multigrid/mg_tools.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// $Id$
-// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 by the deal.II authors
// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
// without copyright and license information. Please refer
@@ -43,273 +43,263 @@ template class BlockSparseMatrix;
* objects. See there and the documentation of the member functions
* for more information.
- * All member functions are static, so there is no need to create an
- * object of class MGTools.
- *
* @author Wolfgang Bangerth, Guido Kanschat, 1999 - 2005
-class MGTools
+namespace MGTools
- public:
- /**
- * Compute row length vector for
- * multilevel methods.
- */
- template
- static
- void compute_row_length_vector(
- const MGDoFHandler& dofs,
- const unsigned int level,
- std::vector& row_lengths,
- const DoFTools::Coupling flux_couplings = DoFTools::none);
+ /**
+ * Compute row length vector for
+ * multilevel methods.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ compute_row_length_vector(const MGDoFHandler& dofs,
+ const unsigned int level,
+ std::vector& row_lengths,
+ const DoFTools::Coupling flux_couplings = DoFTools::none);
+ /**
+ * Compute row length vector for
+ * multilevel methods with
+ * optimization for block
+ * couplings.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ compute_row_length_vector(const MGDoFHandler& dofs,
+ const unsigned int level,
+ std::vector& row_lengths,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>& couplings,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>& flux_couplings);
+ /**
+ * Write the sparsity structure
+ * of the matrix belonging to the
+ * specified @p level. The sparsity pattern
+ * is not compressed, so before
+ * creating the actual matrix
+ * you have to compress the
+ * matrix yourself, using
+ * SparseMatrixStruct::compress().
+ *
+ * There is no need to consider
+ * hanging nodes here, since only
+ * one level is considered.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ make_sparsity_pattern (const MGDoFHandler &dof_handler,
+ SparsityPattern &sparsity,
+ const unsigned int level);
- /**
- * Compute row length vector for
- * multilevel methods with
- * optimization for block
- * couplings.
- */
- template
- static
- void compute_row_length_vector(
- const MGDoFHandler& dofs,
- const unsigned int level,
- std::vector& row_lengths,
- const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>& couplings,
- const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling>& flux_couplings);
+ /**
+ * Make a sparsity pattern including fluxes
+ * of discontinuous Galerkin methods.
+ * @ref make_sparsity_pattern
+ * @ref DoFTools
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ make_flux_sparsity_pattern (const MGDoFHandler &dof_handler,
+ SparsityPattern &sparsity,
+ const unsigned int level);
- /**
- * Write the sparsity structure
- * of the matrix belonging to the
- * specified @p level. The sparsity pattern
- * is not compressed, so before
- * creating the actual matrix
- * you have to compress the
- * matrix yourself, using
- * SparseMatrixStruct::compress().
- *
- * There is no need to consider
- * hanging nodes here, since only
- * one level is considered.
- */
- template
- static void
- make_sparsity_pattern (const MGDoFHandler &dof_handler,
- SparsityPattern &sparsity,
- const unsigned int level);
+ /**
+ * Create sparsity pattern for
+ * the fluxes at refinement
+ * edges. The matrix maps a
+ * function of the fine level
+ * space @p level to the coarser
+ * space.
+ *
+ * make_flux_sparsity_pattern()
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ make_flux_sparsity_pattern_edge (const MGDoFHandler &dof_handler,
+ SparsityPattern &sparsity,
+ const unsigned int level);
+ /**
+ * This function does the same as
+ * the other with the same name,
+ * but it gets two additional
+ * coefficient matrices. A matrix
+ * entry will only be generated
+ * for two basis functions, if
+ * there is a non-zero entry
+ * linking their associated
+ * components in the coefficient
+ * matrix.
+ *
+ * There is one matrix for
+ * couplings in a cell and one
+ * for the couplings occuring in
+ * fluxes.
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ make_flux_sparsity_pattern (const MGDoFHandler &dof,
+ SparsityPattern &sparsity,
+ const unsigned int level,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling> &int_mask,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling> &flux_mask);
- /**
- * Make a sparsity pattern including fluxes
- * of discontinuous Galerkin methods.
- * @ref make_sparsity_pattern
- * @ref DoFTools
- */
- template
- static void
- make_flux_sparsity_pattern (const MGDoFHandler &dof_handler,
- SparsityPattern &sparsity,
- const unsigned int level);
+ /**
+ * Create sparsity pattern for
+ * the fluxes at refinement
+ * edges. The matrix maps a
+ * function of the fine level
+ * space @p level to the coarser
+ * space. This is the version
+ * restricting the pattern to the
+ * elements actually needed.
+ *
+ * make_flux_sparsity_pattern()
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ make_flux_sparsity_pattern_edge (const MGDoFHandler &dof_handler,
+ SparsityPattern &sparsity,
+ const unsigned int level,
+ const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling> &flux_mask);
- /**
- * Create sparsity pattern for
- * the fluxes at refinement
- * edges. The matrix maps a
- * function of the fine level
- * space @p level to the coarser
- * space.
- *
- * make_flux_sparsity_pattern()
- */
- template
- static void
- make_flux_sparsity_pattern_edge (const MGDoFHandler &dof_handler,
- SparsityPattern &sparsity,
- const unsigned int level);
- /**
- * This function does the same as
- * the other with the same name,
- * but it gets two additional
- * coefficient matrices. A matrix
- * entry will only be generated
- * for two basis functions, if
- * there is a non-zero entry
- * linking their associated
- * components in the coefficient
- * matrix.
- *
- * There is one matrix for
- * couplings in a cell and one
- * for the couplings occuring in
- * fluxes.
- */
- template
- static void
- make_flux_sparsity_pattern (const MGDoFHandler &dof,
- SparsityPattern &sparsity,
- const unsigned int level,
- const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling> &int_mask,
- const Table<2,DoFTools::Coupling> &flux_mask);
+ /**
+ * Count the dofs block-wise
+ * on each level.
+ *
+ * Result is a vector containing
+ * for each level a vector
+ * containing the number of dofs
+ * for each block (access is
+ * result[level][block]).
+ */
+ template
+ void
+ count_dofs_per_block (const MGDoFHandler &mg_dof,
+ std::vector > &result,
+ std::vector