From 3fd361e84dde8caba7aa8c77cf31298d3829ca97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: maier
- Overview
- Connections between programs
- Programs by number:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- Back to the deal.II homepage
- New to deal.II? You might want to start with tutorial Step-1 and work your way up to Step-5.
-At that point you can explore what features you are interested in and look at the large collection
-of programs listed below.
-The deal.II tutorial contains a collection of
-programs, each more
-or less built atop of previous ones, which demonstrate various
-aspects of the library. Each such example has the following structure:
diff --git a/deal.II/doc/doxygen/scripts/ b/deal.II/doc/doxygen/scripts/
index 7384b1e7f2..72e0e50a28 100644
--- a/deal.II/doc/doxygen/scripts/
+++ b/deal.II/doc/doxygen/scripts/
@@ -16,6 +16,16 @@
use strict;
+my $tutorial_file = shift;
+open TUTORIAL, "<$tutorial_file";
+# Print the first part of
+while (my $line =
The deal.II Tutorial
-Your browser does not seem to understand frames. A version of this
-tutorial that does not use frames can be found
- 4
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- 22
- 23
- 24
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- 27
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- 30
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- 36
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- 38
- 39
- 40
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- 49
- 51
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- The deal.II tutorial - Step-by-step examples
- Tutorial programs listed by number
- Step-1
- Creating a grid. A simple way to write it to a file.
- Step-2
- Associate degrees of freedom to
- each vertex and compute the resulting sparsity pattern of
- matrices. Show that renumbering reduces the bandwidth of
- matrices significantly, i.e. clusters nonzero entries around the
- diagonal.
- Step-3
- Actually solve Laplace's
- problem. Object-orientation. Assembling matrices and
- vectors. Boundary values.
- Step-4
- This example is programmed in a
- way that it is independent of the dimension for which we want to
- solve Laplace's equation; we will solve the equation in 2D and
- 3D, although the program is exactly the same. Non-constant right
- hand side function. Non-homogeneous boundary values.
- Step-5
- Computations on successively
- refined grids. Reading a grid from disk. Some optimizations.
- Using assertions. Non-constant coefficient in
- the elliptic operator (yielding the extended Poisson
- equation). Preconditioning the CG solver for the
- linear system of equations.
- Step-6
- Adaptive local
- refinement. Handling of hanging nodes. Higher order elements.
- Catching exceptions in the “main” function.
- Step-7
- Helmholtz
- equation. Non-homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and
- boundary integrals. Verification of correctness of computed
- solutions. Computing the error between exact and numerical
- solution and output of the data in tables. Using counted pointers.
- Step-8
- The elasticity equations will be
- solved instead of Laplace's equation. The solution is
- vector-valued and the equations form a system with as many
- equations as the dimension of the space in which it is posed.
- Step-9
- Linear advection equation, assembling
- the system of equations in parallel using multi-threading,
- implementing a refinement criterion based on a finite difference
- approximation of the gradient.
- Step-10
- Higher order mappings. Do not
- solve equations, but rather compute the value of pi to high
- accuracy.
- Step-11
- Solving a Laplace problem with
- higher order mappings. Using strange constraints and
- intermediate representations of sparsity patterns.
- Step-12
- Discontinuous Galerkin methods for linear advection problems.
- Step-13
- Software design questions and
- how to write a modular, extensible finite element program.
- Step-14
- Duality based error estimators,
- more strategies to write a modular, extensible finite element
- program.
- Step-15
- A nonlinear elliptic problem: The minimal surface equation.
- Newton's method. Transferring a solution across mesh refinement.
- Step-16
- Multigrid preconditioning of the Laplace equation on adaptive
- meshes.
- Step-17
- Using PETSc for linear algebra; running
- in parallel on clusters of computers linked together by MPI.
- Step-18
- A time dependent problem; using a much
- simplified version of implementing elasticity; moving meshes; handling
- large scale output of parallel programs.
- Step-19
- Input parameter file handling. Merging
- output of a parallel program.
- Step-20
- Mixed finite elements. Using block
- matrices and block vectors to define more complicated solvers and
- preconditioners working on the Schur complement.
- Step-21
- The time dependent two-phase flow in
- porous media. Extensions of mixed Laplace discretizations. More
- complicated block solvers. Simple time stepping.
- Step-22
- Solving the Stokes equations of slow fluid flow on adaptive
- meshes. More on Schur complement solvers. Advanced use of the
- ConstraintMatrix class.
- Step-23
- Finally a "real" time dependent problem, the wave equation.
- Step-24
- A variant of step-23 with absorbing
- boundary conditions, and extracting practically useful data.
- Step-25
- The sine-Gordon
- soliton equation, which is a nonlinear variant of the time
- dependent wave equation covered in step-23 and step-24.
- Step-27
- hp finite element methods
- Step-28
- Multiple grids for solving a multigroup diffusion equation
- in nuclear physics simulating a nuclear reactor core
- Step-29
- Solving a complex-valued Helmholtz equation. Sparse direct
- solvers. Dealing with parameter files.
- Step-30
- Anisotropic refinement for DG finite element methods.
- Step-31
- Time-dependent Stokes flow driven by temperature
- differences in a fluid. Adaptive meshes that change between time
- steps.
- Step-32
- A massively parallel solver for time-dependent Stokes flow driven
- by temperature differences in a fluid. Adapting methods for real-world
- equations.
- Step-33
- A nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law: The Euler equations of
- compressible gas dynamics.
- Step-34
- Boundary element methods (BEM) of low order: Exterior irrotational
- flow. The ParsedFunction class.
- Step-35
- A projection solver for the Navier–Stokes equations.
- Step-36
- Using SLEPc for linear algebra; solving an eigenspectrum
- problem. The Schrödinger wave equation.
- Step-37
- Solving a Poisson problem with a multilevel preconditioner without
- explicitly storing the matrix (a matrix-free method).
- Step-38
- Solving the Laplace-Beltrami equation on curved manifolds embedded
- in higher dimensional spaces.
- Step-39
- Solving Poisson's equation once more, this time with the
- interior penalty method, one of the discontinous Galerkin
- methods developed for this problem. Error estimator, adaptive
- meshes, and multigrid preconditioner, all using the MeshWorker
- framework.
- Step-40
- Techniques for the massively parallel solution of the Laplace
- equation (up to 10,000s of processors).
- Step-41
- Solving the obstacle problem, a variational inequality.
- Step-42
- A solver for an elasto-plastic contact problem, running on
- parallel machines.
- Step-43
- Advanced techniques for the simulation of porous media flow.
- Step-44
- Finite strain hyperelasticity based on a three-field formulation.
- Step-45
- Periodic boundary conditions.
- Step-46
- Coupling different kinds of equations in different parts of the domain.
- Step-48
- Explicit time stepping for the Sine–Gordon equation based on
- a diagonal mass matrix. Efficient implementation of (nonlinear) finite
- element operators.
- Step-49
- Advanced mesh creation and manipulation techniques.
- Solving the convection-diffusion equation with a hyrbidizable
- discontinuous Galerkin method using face elements.
-The deal.II group
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-Tutorial programs grouped by topics
- Basic techniques
- Step-1
- Creating a grid. A simple way to write it to a file
- Step-2
- Degrees of freedom
- Step-3
- Solve the Laplace equation
- Step-4
- Dimension independent programming, non-zero data
- Step-5
- Computing on uniformly refined meshes
- Step-6
- Adaptivity
- Step-7
- Evaluating errors
- Step-15
- Nonlinear problems, Newton's method
- Advanced techniques
- Step-9,
- Step-28,
- Step-32,
- Step-44,
- Step-48,
- Step-51
- Multithreading
- Step-20,
- Step-21,
- Step-22,
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-43,
- Step-44
- Block solvers and preconditioners
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-33,
- Step-41,
- Step-42,
- Step-43
- Using Trilinos
- Step-17,
- Step-18,
- Step-19,
- Step-40
- Parallelization via PETSc and MPI
- Step-32,
- Step-42
- Parallelization via Trilinos and MPI
- Step-32,
- Step-40,
- Step-42
- Parallelization on very large numbers of processors
- Step-19,
- Step-28,
- Step-29,
- Step-32,
- Step-33,
- Step-34,
- Step-35,
- Step-36,
- Step-42,
- Step-44
- Input parameter handling
- Step-10,
- Step-11,
- Step-32
- Higher order mappings
- Step-6,
- Step-9,
- Step-14,
- Step-39
- Error indicators and estimators
- Step-15,
- Step-28,
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-33,
- Step-40,
- Step-42,
- Step-43
- Transferring solutions across mesh refinement
- Step-12,
- Step-21,
- Step-39,
- Step-46,
- Step-51
- Discontinuous Galerkin methods
- Step-27,
- Step-46
- hp finite elements
- Step-30
- Anisotropic refinement for DG finite element methods
- Step-16,
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-39,
- Step-41,
- Step-42,
- Step-43
- Multilevel preconditioners
- Step-33
- Computing Jacobians from residuals, automatic differentiation
- Step-32,
- Step-34,
- Step-38
- Boundary element methods, curved manifolds
- Step-45
- Periodic boundary conditions
- Step-37,
- Step-48
- Matrix-free methods
- Step-49
- Advanced meshes
- Linear solver issues
- Step-3
- Conjugate Gradient solver
- Step-5
- Preconditioned CG solver
- Step-9
- BiCGStab
- Step-16,
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-37,
- Step-39,
- Step-41,
- Step-42,
- Step-43
- Multilevel preconditioners
- Step-17,
- Step-18,
- Step-32,
- Step-40,
- Step-42
- Parallel solvers
- Step-20,
- Step-21,
- Step-22,
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-43
- Block and Schur complement solvers
- Step-35
- Decoupled projection solvers
- Step-33,
- Step-41,
- Step-42,
- Step-44
- Linear Newton systems from nonlinear equations
- Step-36
- Eigenvalue solvers
- Other equations
- Step-7,
- Step-29
- Helmholtz equation
- Step-8,
- Step-42,
- Step-46
- Elasticity and elasto-plasticity equations
- Step-15
- Minimal surface equation
- Step-18,
- Step-44
- Quasi-static elasticity equations
- Step-9,
- Step-21,
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-43,
- Step-51
- Transport (advection) equations
- Step-33
- The nonlinear hyperbolic Euler system of compressible gas dynamics
- Step-20,
- Step-21,
- Step-43
- Mixed Laplace, Darcy, Porous media
- Step-22,
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-35,
- Step-46
- Stokes and incompressible Navier-Stokes flow
- Step-23,
- Step-24,
- Step-25,
- Step-48
- The wave equation, in linear and nonlinear variants
- Step-28
- A multigroup diffusion problem in neutron transport
- Step-34
- Irrotational flow
- Step-36
- An eigenspectrum problem
- Step-41,
- Step-42
- The obstacle problem, a variational inequality
- Step-46
- Coupling different equations in different parts of the domain
- Vector problems
- Step-8,
- Step-42
- Elasticity and elasto-plasticity equations
- Step-20
- Mixed Laplace
- Step-21,
- Step-43
- Mixed Laplace plus an advection equation
- Step-22,
- Step-31,
- Step-32,
- Step-35
- Incompressible Stokes and Navier-Stokes flow
- Step-29
- A complex-valued Helmholtz problem
- Step-33
- The Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics
- Step-46
- Coupling different equations in different parts of the domain
- Time-dependent problems
- Step-18,
- Step-44
- Quasi-static elasticity
- Step-21,
- Step-43
- Porous media flow
- Step-23,
- Step-24,
- Step-25,
- Step-48
- The wave equation, in linear and nonlinear variants
- Step-31,
- Step-32
- Time dependent Stokes flow driven by buoyancy
- Step-33
- The Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics
-The deal.II group
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+++ /dev/null
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-You can browse the available tutorial programs -
-The programs are in the examples/
directory of your local deal.II
-installation. After compiling the library itself, if you go into one of the
-tutorial directories, you can compile
-the program by typing make, and run it
-using make run. The latter command also compiles the program
-if that has not already been done. The Makefiles in the different
-directories are based on the small program Makefile template described
-in this section.
-Legend: -Green octagons: programs that show basic techniques; -Orange boxes: advanced techniques; -Yellow: applications in fluid dynamics; -Light blue: applications in solid mechanics; -Dark blue boxes: time dependent problems. -
- - -examples/
directory of your local
+ * deal.II installation. After compiling the library itself, if you go into
+ * one of the tutorial directories, you can configure the program by typing
+ * cmake .
, build it via make
and run it using
+ * make run
. The latter command also compiles the program if
+ * that has not already been done. The CMakefiles.txt files in the
+ * different directories are based on the small program Makefile template
+ * described in this
+ * section.
+ *
+ *
+ * Step-1 | + *Creating a grid. A simple way to write it to a file. + * |
Step-2 | + *Associate degrees of freedom to + * each vertex and compute the resulting sparsity pattern of + * matrices. Show that renumbering reduces the bandwidth of + * matrices significantly, i.e. clusters nonzero entries around the + * diagonal. + * |
Step-3 | + *Actually solve Laplace's + * problem. Object-orientation. Assembling matrices and + * vectors. Boundary values. + * |
Step-4 | + *This example is programmed in a + * way that it is independent of the dimension for which we want to + * solve Laplace's equation; we will solve the equation in 2D and + * 3D, although the program is exactly the same. Non-constant right + * hand side function. Non-homogeneous boundary values. + * |
Step-5 | + *Computations on successively + * refined grids. Reading a grid from disk. Some optimizations. + * Using assertions. Non-constant coefficient in + * the elliptic operator (yielding the extended Poisson + * equation). Preconditioning the CG solver for the + * linear system of equations. + * |
Step-6 | + *Adaptive local + * refinement. Handling of hanging nodes. Higher order elements. + * Catching exceptions in the “main” function. + * |
Step-7 | + *Helmholtz + * equation. Non-homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and + * boundary integrals. Verification of correctness of computed + * solutions. Computing the error between exact and numerical + * solution and output of the data in tables. Using counted pointers. + * |
Step-8 | + *The elasticity equations will be + * solved instead of Laplace's equation. The solution is + * vector-valued and the equations form a system with as many + * equations as the dimension of the space in which it is posed. + * |
Step-9 | + *Linear advection equation, assembling + * the system of equations in parallel using multi-threading, + * implementing a refinement criterion based on a finite difference + * approximation of the gradient. + * + * |
Step-10 | + *Higher order mappings. Do not + * solve equations, but rather compute the value of pi to high + * accuracy. + * |
Step-11 | + *Solving a Laplace problem with + * higher order mappings. Using strange constraints and + * intermediate representations of sparsity patterns. + * |
Step-12 | + *Discontinuous Galerkin methods for linear advection problems. + * |
Step-13 | + *Software design questions and + * how to write a modular, extensible finite element program. + * |
Step-14 | + *Duality based error estimators, + * more strategies to write a modular, extensible finite element + * program. + * |
Step-15 | + *A nonlinear elliptic problem: The minimal surface equation. + * Newton's method. Transferring a solution across mesh refinement. + * |
Step-16 | + *Multigrid preconditioning of the Laplace equation on adaptive + * meshes. + * |
Step-17 | + *Using PETSc for linear algebra; running + * in parallel on clusters of computers linked together by MPI. + * |
Step-18 | + *A time dependent problem; using a much + * simplified version of implementing elasticity; moving meshes; handling + * large scale output of parallel programs. + * |
Step-19 | + *Input parameter file handling. Merging + * output of a parallel program. + * |
Step-20 | + *Mixed finite elements. Using block + * matrices and block vectors to define more complicated solvers and + * preconditioners working on the Schur complement. + * |
Step-21 | + *The time dependent two-phase flow in + * porous media. Extensions of mixed Laplace discretizations. More + * complicated block solvers. Simple time stepping. + * |
Step-22 | + *Solving the Stokes equations of slow fluid flow on adaptive + * meshes. More on Schur complement solvers. Advanced use of the + * ConstraintMatrix class. + * |
Step-23 | + *Finally a "real" time dependent problem, the wave equation. + * |
Step-24 | + *A variant of step-23 with absorbing + * boundary conditions, and extracting practically useful data. + * |
Step-25 | + *The sine-Gordon + * soliton equation, which is a nonlinear variant of the time + * dependent wave equation covered in step-23 and step-24. + * |
Step-27 | + *hp finite element methods |
Step-28 | + *Multiple grids for solving a multigroup diffusion equation + * in nuclear physics simulating a nuclear reactor core |
Step-29 | + *Solving a complex-valued Helmholtz equation. Sparse direct + * solvers. Dealing with parameter files. |
Step-30 | + *Anisotropic refinement for DG finite element methods. + * |
Step-31 | + *Time-dependent Stokes flow driven by temperature + * differences in a fluid. Adaptive meshes that change between time + * steps. + * |
Step-32 | + *A massively parallel solver for time-dependent Stokes flow driven + * by temperature differences in a fluid. Adapting methods for real-world + * equations. + * |
Step-33 | + *A nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law: The Euler equations of + * compressible gas dynamics. + * |
Step-34 | + *Boundary element methods (BEM) of low order: Exterior irrotational + * flow. The ParsedFunction class. + * |
Step-35 | + *A projection solver for the Navier–Stokes equations. + * |
Step-36 | + *Using SLEPc for linear algebra; solving an eigenspectrum + * problem. The Schrödinger wave equation. + * |
Step-37 | + *Solving a Poisson problem with a multilevel preconditioner without + * explicitly storing the matrix (a matrix-free method). + * |
Step-38 | + *Solving the Laplace-Beltrami equation on curved manifolds embedded + * in higher dimensional spaces. + * |
Step-39 | + *Solving Poisson's equation once more, this time with the + * interior penalty method, one of the discontinous Galerkin + * methods developed for this problem. Error estimator, adaptive + * meshes, and multigrid preconditioner, all using the MeshWorker + * framework. + * |
Step-40 | + *Techniques for the massively parallel solution of the Laplace + * equation (up to 10,000s of processors). + * |
Step-41 | + *Solving the obstacle problem, a variational inequality. + * |
Step-42 | + *A solver for an elasto-plastic contact problem, running on + * parallel machines. + * |
Step-43 | + *Advanced techniques for the simulation of porous media flow. + * |
Step-44 | + *Finite strain hyperelasticity based on a three-field formulation. + * |
Step-45 | + *Periodic boundary conditions. + * |
Step-46 | + *Coupling different kinds of equations in different parts of the domain. + * |
Step-48 | + *Explicit time stepping for the Sine–Gordon equation based on + * a diagonal mass matrix. Efficient implementation of (nonlinear) finite + * element operators. + * |
Step-49 | + *Advanced mesh creation and manipulation techniques. + * |
Step-51 | + *Solving the convection-diffusion equation with a hyrbidizable + * discontinuous Galerkin method using face elements. + * |
Basic techniques | + *Step-1 | + *Creating a grid. A simple way to write it to a file + * | + *
+ * | Step-2 | + *Degrees of freedom + * | + *
+ * | Step-3 | + *Solve the Laplace equation + * | + *
+ * | Step-4 | + *Dimension independent programming, non-zero data + * | + *
+ * | Step-5 | + *Computing on uniformly refined meshes + * | + *
+ * | Step-6 | + *Adaptivity + * | + *
+ * | Step-7 | + *Evaluating errors + * | + * + *
+ * | Step-15 | + *Nonlinear problems, Newton's method + * | + *
Advanced techniques | + *+ * Step-9, + * Step-28, + * Step-32, + * Step-44, + * Step-48, + * Step-51 + * | + *Multithreading + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-20, + * Step-21, + * Step-22, + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-43, + * Step-44 + * | + *Block solvers and preconditioners + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-33, + * Step-41, + * Step-42, + * Step-43 + * | + *Using Trilinos + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-17, + * Step-18, + * Step-19, + * Step-40 + * | + *Parallelization via PETSc and MPI + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-32, + * Step-42 + * | + *Parallelization via Trilinos and MPI + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-32, + * Step-40, + * Step-42 + * | + *Parallelization on very large numbers of processors + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-19, + * Step-28, + * Step-29, + * Step-32, + * Step-33, + * Step-34, + * Step-35, + * Step-36, + * Step-42, + * Step-44 + * | + *Input parameter handling + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-10, + * Step-11, + * Step-32 + * | + *Higher order mappings + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-6, + * Step-9, + * Step-14, + * Step-39 + * | + *Error indicators and estimators + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-15, + * Step-28, + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-33, + * Step-40, + * Step-42, + * Step-43 + * | + *Transferring solutions across mesh refinement + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-12, + * Step-21, + * Step-39, + * Step-46, + * Step-51 + * | + *Discontinuous Galerkin methods + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-27, + * Step-46 + * | + *hp finite elements + * | + *
+ * | Step-30 | + *Anisotropic refinement for DG finite element methods + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-16, + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-39, + * Step-41, + * Step-42, + * Step-43 + * | + *Multilevel preconditioners + * | + *
+ * | Step-33 | + *Computing Jacobians from residuals, automatic differentiation + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-32, + * Step-34, + * Step-38 + * | + *Boundary element methods, curved manifolds + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-45 + * | + *Periodic boundary conditions + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-37, + * Step-48 + * | + *Matrix-free methods + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-49 + * | + *Advanced meshes + * | + *
Linear solver issues | + *Step-3 | + *Conjugate Gradient solver + * | + *
+ * | Step-5 | + *Preconditioned CG solver + * | + *
+ * | Step-9 | + *BiCGStab + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-16, + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-37, + * Step-39, + * Step-41, + * Step-42, + * Step-43 + * | + *Multilevel preconditioners + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-17, + * Step-18, + * Step-32, + * Step-40, + * Step-42 + * | + *Parallel solvers + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-20, + * Step-21, + * Step-22, + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-43 + * | + *Block and Schur complement solvers + * | + *
+ * | Step-35 | + *Decoupled projection solvers + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-33, + * Step-41, + * Step-42, + * Step-44 + * | + *Linear Newton systems from nonlinear equations + * | + *
+ * | Step-36 | + *Eigenvalue solvers + * | + *
Other equations | + *+ * Step-7, + * Step-29 + * | + *Helmholtz equation + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-8, + * Step-42, + * Step-46 + * | + *Elasticity and elasto-plasticity equations + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-15 + * | + *Minimal surface equation + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-18, + * Step-44 + * | + *Quasi-static elasticity equations + * | + *
+ * | Step-9, + * Step-21, + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-43, + * Step-51 + * | + *Transport (advection) equations + * | + *
+ * | Step-33 | + *The nonlinear hyperbolic Euler system of compressible gas dynamics + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-20, + * Step-21, + * Step-43 + * | + *Mixed Laplace, Darcy, Porous media + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-22, + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-35, + * Step-46 + * | + *Stokes and incompressible Navier-Stokes flow + * | + *
+ * | + * Step-23, + * Step-24, + * Step-25, + * Step-48 + * | + *The wave equation, in linear and nonlinear variants + * | + * + *
+ * | Step-28 | + *A multigroup diffusion problem in neutron transport + * | + *
+ * | Step-34 | + *Irrotational flow + * | + *
+ * | Step-36 | + *An eigenspectrum problem + * |
+ * | + * Step-41, + * Step-42 + * | + *The obstacle problem, a variational inequality + * |
+ * | Step-46 | + *Coupling different equations in different parts of the domain + * |
Vector problems | + *+ * Step-8, + * Step-42 + * | + *Elasticity and elasto-plasticity equations + * | + *
+ * | Step-20 | + *Mixed Laplace + * | + *
+ * | Step-21, + * Step-43 + * | + *Mixed Laplace plus an advection equation + * | + *
+ * | Step-22, + * Step-31, + * Step-32, + * Step-35 | + *Incompressible Stokes and Navier-Stokes flow + * | + *
+ * | Step-29 | + *A complex-valued Helmholtz problem + * | + *
+ * | Step-33 | + *The Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics + * | + *
+ * | Step-46 | + *Coupling different equations in different parts of the domain + * |
Time-dependent problems | + *+ * Step-18, + * Step-44 + * | + *Quasi-static elasticity + * | + *
+ * | Step-21, + * Step-43 + * | + *Porous media flow + * | + *
+ * | Step-23, + * Step-24, + * Step-25, + * Step-48 + * | + *The wave equation, in linear and nonlinear variants + * | + *
+ * | Step-31, + * Step-32 + * | + *Time dependent Stokes flow driven by buoyancy + * | + *
+ * | Step-33 | + *The Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics + * | + *
- Tutorial
+ Tutorial
Wolfgang's lectures
diff --git a/deal.II/doc/readme.html b/deal.II/doc/readme.html
index 5ea8cc3d06..f4c41181f3 100644
--- a/deal.II/doc/readme.html
+++ b/deal.II/doc/readme.html
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
At this point, you have generated everything necessary to write
programs based on deal.II. If you are new to
deal.II, you may want to continue with the
- tutorial.
+ tutorial.
- Tutorial
+ Tutorial
Wolfgang's lectures
diff --git a/deal.II/doc/users/toc.html b/deal.II/doc/users/toc.html
index 417b838e03..1d43275fab 100644
--- a/deal.II/doc/users/toc.html
+++ b/deal.II/doc/users/toc.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ available:
- The tutorial is for new users of the library. It explains the basic elements of finite element programs based on the library, and provides small example diff --git a/deal.II/examples/step-25/doc/intro.dox b/deal.II/examples/step-25/doc/intro.dox index 41a133cc8c..e06d36fc27 100644 --- a/deal.II/examples/step-25/doc/intro.dox +++ b/deal.II/examples/step-25/doc/intro.dox @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ extensively. Rather facetiously, the sine-Gordon equation's moniker is a pun on the so-called Klein-Gordon equation, which is a relativistic version of -the Schrödinger equation for particles with non-zero mass. The resemblance is not just +the Schrödinger equation for particles with non-zero mass. The resemblance is not just superficial, the sine-Gordon equation has been shown to model some unified-field phenomena such as interaction of subatomic particles (see, e.g., Perring & Skyrme in Nuclear Physics 31) and the diff --git a/deal.II/examples/step-36/doc/intro.dox b/deal.II/examples/step-36/doc/intro.dox index c5e4aecf00..f0eb3867cb 100644 --- a/deal.II/examples/step-36/doc/intro.dox +++ b/deal.II/examples/step-36/doc/intro.dox @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ for linear algebra contents.