From ce41e4ee55e08737bb92196d2035b646d9f2af94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: heister
- Some documentation for the new scheme can be found
- on this
- page.
(WB 2003/02/06)
New: A report has been added on the
- codimension one capabilities
of the library (by Antonio DeSimone, Luca Heltai
and Cataldo Manigrasso, SISSA, Trieste, Italy). It
diff --git a/deal.II/examples/step-34/doc/intro.dox b/deal.II/examples/step-34/doc/intro.dox
index 8aeaebc2c9..26075a0aae 100644
--- a/deal.II/examples/step-34/doc/intro.dox
+++ b/deal.II/examples/step-34/doc/intro.dox
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ will be Triangulation@<2,3@>
, and correspondingly we will use
Some further details on what one can do with things that live on
curved manifolds can be found in the report
for the Solution of PDEs Defined on Curved Manifolds with the deal.II
Library by A. DeSimone, L. Heltai, C. Manigrasso. In addition, the
step-38 tutorial program extends what we show here to cases where the equation